If repeaters are down use the BARC EmComm 146.46
License Exams:
May 3, 2025
Aug 2, 2025
Nov 11, 2025
License exams begin at 12:00 pm at the Bishop
Salvation Army
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The Bishop Amateur Radio Club
Emergency Communication Plan
Revised 6/22/2020
In the event of a disaster or other emergency situation where there is a need to establish HAM radio communications among HAM radio operators in the Owens Valley (from Olancha in the south to Mammoth Lakes and Chalfant Valley in the north), the following process should be followed:
As soon as it is reasonable to do so,
Tune to the repeater on Silver Peak (146.940− 103.5 PL) or Mazourka Peak (146.760− 103.5 PL) and attempt your contact if the repeaters are linked and operational.
If the link between Mazourka Peak and Silver Peak is not working, attempt your communications using the Silver Peak repeater, frequency (146.940− 103.5 PL). In the event that you cannot get to 146.940, attempt to contact someone who can. (See number 5).
If the repeater on Mazourka Peak is working and the repeater on Silver Peak is not, use the Mazourka Peak repeater (146.760− 103.5 PL) to make your contact.
If the neither repeater (Silver Peak and Mazourka Peak) is working, use the Mammoth Mountain repeater (146.730− 100.0 PL) to make your contact.
If all three repeaters are down, go to 146.460 simplex to attempt your contact. This should give radio communications between Olancha in the south and Mammoth Lakes or Chalfant Valley to the north. Using simplex is likely to necessitate some relay activity between HAM operators.
Adopted at the March 2017 BARC Meeting. Modified in June 2020 to include the Mammoth Mountain repeater, which since the date of the adoption of this plan has become normally linked.
Appendix: Repeater Notation Explanation
Repeater parameters are specified using the following notation:
146.940− 103.5 PL
These parameters are:
The 146.940 is the repeater's transmit frequency, in MHz. In this case, to receive the repeater one should tune their radio to 146.940 MHz.
The − sign, is the "direction" of the offset between the repeater's transmit and receive frequencies. In this case the minus (−) sign indicates a negative offset. The standard offset magnitude for the 144 MHz (2 meter) band is 600 kHz. With a negative offset, one should subtract 600 kHz from the repeater's transmit frequency to determine its receive frequency. In this case, to transmit to the repeater one should transmit on 146.940 - 0.600 = 146.340 MHz. If the offset is positive (indicated with a + sign) one would add 600 kHz to the transmit frequency in order to find the receive frequency.
The last item is the PL or CTCSS tone, in Hz, required to activate the repeater. In this case, one should program their radio to a PL or CTCSS tone of 103.5 Hz when transmitting.